viral32111's avatarviral32111's website

What data is collected?

This website does not intend to collect any identifiable information about visitors.

The only data recorded is HTTP request logs, which includes:

This data does not class as personally identifiable information as none of it is unique.

These HTTP request logs are an integral part of NGINX.

How is the data used?

This website cannot analyse or sell identifiable information about visitors, as none is collected.

The HTTP request logs are used to block repeated automated requests from web crawlers, bots, etc.

How is the data stored?

This website cannot store identifiable information about visitors, as none is collected.

The HTTP request logs are stored in a private location on the physical server’s disk, where they are kept for for 90 days then permanently erased.

See the security page for more information about the physical server that the data is stored on.


Consider using Tor to access this website if you are concerned about your privacy.

The onion site address is http://viraldwfella5we7pdbi75pmzg4bcrehcwjstyy6tgjbqhdh6pgdi6yd.onion. You should be automatically redirected to it when accessing this website in Tor Browser due to the use of the Onion-Location HTTP header.

This will provide both a benefit to privacy and security as your request is designed to look identical to all other requests before being routed through a circuit of unknown nodes. This makes it impossible for this website to identify you.